October Employee of the Month
October 15, 2024
We are thrilled to announce Samantha Russell as Riverview Pointe's Employee of the Month for October 2024! Samantha has been an LPN for five years, and we are lucky to have had her on our team for the past five months. As a full-time night shift nurse on Pleasant Valley, Samantha is beloved by her residents and always willing to step in wherever she is needed.
Outside of Riverview Pointe, Samantha enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Charlie and Duke, who keep her busy and entertained! She also loves exploring new restaurants, taking road trips, and diving into a good book during her free time.
Thank you, Samantha, for your hard work and dedication! We are so grateful to have you as part of our team, and we celebrate your passion for caring for our residents.
Congratulations, Samantha, on being our Employee of the Month!